Sunday, July 12, 2009

Awkward and the Real World

Real World first:
The whiny bitches who live across the street from the Real World house document a fight that goes on outside:
Yes, I don't like people fighting outside my place either, but the first step is to call the cops, then blog about it (and blog about how you called the cops, because otherwise you look like a douche). What I don't understand is the WSC thing:
They're forbidden from speaking to anyone? What? I just find this weird, like often interactions with people at the gym are kind of awkward anyway, so why does it matter if some guy from the Real World asks to work in a set or when you're going to be done with the treadmill? Seriously.
And, a friend of mine ran into some cast members at a bar the other night. Said friend wants to hang out with them but doesn't want to be on camera. Try the gym maybe?

Awkward last:
In college one summer I dated this guy and would stay at his place every so often, but had to leave around 6am to get home. I got really good at public transportation around Boston that summer. Anyway, on my walk to the bus stop I always passed a crew of Hispanic guys sitting on their stoop (at 6am???) and usually got a shout out. At the time, definitely annoying, and if I had to walk past that every day now I would still find it annoying. But there's something I miss about that (discretely leaving at 6am? having to take the bus? the heckling?)... Ok, not miss exactly. More like I live in a quiet neighborhood across from a well-patrolled park that homeless people don't sleep in, and sometimes my walk to work is uneventful. I was reminded of this when I walked out the door the other day and some guy yelled across the street to me, but I couldn't understand what he was saying and ignored him because generally that's what I do when men I don't know yell across the street at me. Anyway, not sure what he was trying to say, but do know that when he finally raised his voice enough for me to hear him he was telling me that he's in the Army and just be polite, man. Oh wait, I'm sorry. If you're in the Army you should be able to raise your damn voice enough that I can understand what you're saying and not think you're just being incredibly sketch.

Rant over. At least I don't live across from the real world house, bitches!

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